A very very rare picture of Anushree without her trademark "head-tilt"!
That's Karan and Moi...
Four buddies crammed into a sardine can of a cable car...there just has to be some goofing around! Aanj protecting his eyes from the glare bouncing off Karan's head!
The longer second phase takes a good 20 minutes to reach the top. And if you did not feel the cold at the end of the first phase, I guarantee you, at the end of the second phase you will feel it!
Looking down...
Along the ride you can spy goats, cows and village folk dotting the mountainside. Even low houses made of mud bricks can be seen hugging the ground. Groups of school children play on patches of ice, chasing goats or just running downhill. The higher you go, the more of the surrounding mountains comes into view. You are held in awe of the snowy peaks and the raw nature of these mountains. Here, the weather is in a constant state of change and suddenly you are reminded just how small you are in the scheme of things...
And at last....we hit snow!
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